Tuesday 16 March 2010

Who ya gonna call??.....

the game is keeping tight to the original with look and humour

The original and the best
I have realised that I am going to try to get a nice chilled out game so decided to go all 80's and play a smattering of ghostbusters: the video game. So you enter a wold where two forms of media collide, with voices provided by veterans such as Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Harold Ramis, you are sure to get fully immersed into the game. The graphics although cartoony, embrace the jokey side of the ghostbusters franchise, and potray all the stars true to form. The little things love is the attention to detail, from talking to Gozer in the fire-station, to the little quips Ray makes about you being a newbie.

The strange thing about ghostbusters is the PKE system you use, to investigate spooky areas, and to initiate 'fight' sequences. This made it reminiscent of Project Zero (fatal frame), a game which caused me a few sleepless nights, and for that reason it scared me slightly. The fight sequences, took a little getting used to, the array of weapons you should use for each enemy was a little hit and miss, and getting knocked back as soon as you look in your PKE got annoying. Although I was one of the ghostbusters, I often fund myself alone, or with one other member, who was just fodder while I waited for my guns to cool down. This makes you play a more cautious game where you try not to keel over, as there would be noone to pick me back up, and dust me off. I f you haven't heard the story of the game it follows the ghostbusters in the early nineties when Gozer comes back again to stir up trouble for you. You are a new 'buster much liek Winston was in the first, and they treat you as if you are 'very wet-behind-the-ears'. There are cameos from some famous baddies including slimer (remember even though in the cartoon he was a good guy, he was a mini villain), the grey-lady (the librarian), and a mysterious sugary treat (I will let you guess who). I am nearly finished, but I am finding the game a cute mix between a puzzler, a fps, a comedy adventure where you buy big guns and can have bigger laughs. I reccommend this game to young and old, who are novices and experts to this franchise, and are getting ready for their new film which I hope will be out soon.

Big guns, Lush Graphics, Recognisable voices, faces and enemies, Crossing the streams, Cute quips.

Cons: PKE monitor, Getting smacked over the head while looking in a PKE,Getting told for the 20th time not to 'cross the streams'


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