Monday 15 March 2010

A little rant

There is little that I find inspirational in today's society. Maybe this is why I find solace, and joy not with human companionship but with technology, and inanimate pieces of silicon.

You may look at the pseudo stylish society where everything is reliant of your materialistic possessions, and actually everyone else is just something to use to gain them.

I sometimes look at the world around me, and I like the things that I see. I am not stupid, or naive, I know you need money to buy things, and that to buy the things I like and enjoy you need lots of money, but I will not let go of my morals for these things. I will not step on anyone else to become this thing that does not even resemble a human. I know that people around me have feelings which I will not abuse, and will not take advantage of. I will work MYSELF for the things I have and will buy.

I feel concerned by the people I spend time with, I am becoming more distant, separate, and where will I be in 1 year’s time, what about 5 years? I can't degrade myself with people I find despicable, who see no wrong in their own actions. Before you say: 'let those without sin cast the first stone', I am not in the stone throwing business, but I would rather keep my moral fabric in touch than let it degrade before me.

Everyone knows that dodgy things go on at the office, but this is supposed to stop at some innocent flirting, or maybe someone photocopying their backside, but my work is filled with people that just are so out of touch with reality it seems like they are setting up with a life in one of Caligula’s palaces. I think that there is nothing wrong with a little sporadic hedonism, buying something unnecessary is something that is revered where you work all week, miss out on your families and kids growth as a unit. It is not only their throw away lifestyle with their wives, and their kids, their derogatory remarks and their ultimately snobbish attitude, that makes me write this entry. It is primarily their belief that they, and the way they live is the better than anyone else. I would rather wear Primark and eat from aldi than get soaked up with a lifestyle that ultimately will lead to a sad, and quite a lonely existence.

So to any girls who think that they can't have it all, and that having things is better than your happiness and wellbeing, or that you are one of these people that talks about the degradation of society as a whole, then talking about how your wife and your children is a drain, and attaching yourself to any piece of skirt that walks by, please just take a look around, stop this ego-centric thoughts and actions. It destroys the reasoning behind having a better education, and being good at your job makes you a happier person, and nicer to be around.

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